Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Spinning Wheels

I thought it was about time I introduce my spinning wheels.  There is my Wee Peggy (on the left).  I got her from a yard sale several years ago.  She has been my favorite wheel ever since.  Then there is my Norwegian/Scandinavian wheel (in the middle).  I got her last Summer off of Craig's list.  She is closely rivaling my Wee Peggy for my affections.  However, she is a bit loud.  One evening when we were getting ready to watch TV, Rueben asked me if I could knit instead of spin...he wanted to watch without the noise of my girl.  Then there is my Ashford Traditional wheel.  Mom gave her to me.  She was one of the pair Mom brought back when she and Dad went to Australia and New Zealand.  I learned to spin on her.  For Christmas, Rueben got her a jumbo flyer and four bobbins.  Then, he finished them to match the.  I haven't used her with the new flyer yet.  I have to finish my spinning on my other wheels first so I can ply on her.

Then there is my Great Wheel.  She was my best ebay find.  I found her in Grants Pass, OR.  Although I am about 400 miles from there, I have a friend who lives near there.  She agreed to pick her up for me and bring her to Mom's; about half way to my house.  I met her there and brought her home.  I haven't gotten very good at spinning on her, but I'm thinking I just need to practice a little every day (yeah, right!) or at least a couple of times a week (much more likely).  I will be taking a carding class in April and a drafting class in July.  I'm hoping between the two that I will be able to better take her for a spin.

Although just about everyone I know has a name for their wheels, I don't.  Is that horrible?  I keep trying to find the right names, but have so far come up empty.  I guess I just have to think a little harder...

I have two spindles, too, a Spindolyn and a Trindleman.  Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that spindles (other than on the Great Wheel) are really not for me.

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