Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scary Moment

Yesterday morning, I had a scary moment. Actually, it lasted longer than a moment. I went out to feed the animals. I saw Cousin waiting for his morning hay and hoping for some grain. I didn't see Guy. He must've been under the overhang and staying out of sight. I prepared the hay for all the animals and passed by the overhang. My heart just about stopped when I saw Guy's rope on the ground next to the open clasp that is supposed to hold the rope to his collar.

I knew I needed to feed the other animals and I could just see having to search 5 1/2 acres and maybe the whole neighborhood. I woke Rueben and he got up and dressed while I fed the other animals. After I fed the other animals, I happened to look to the side yard while coming back to the shop to put the wheelbarrow away. I saw someting big and brown in the side yard. I looked closely, and sure enough, it was Guy, grazing away in peace with no idea that anyone missed him. He had been tied in the side yard the day before and must've remembered that the grass was greener than the grass by the shop where he had already grazed almost down to the dirt.

I told Rueben, who was on the phone trying already to reach the Humane Society. He hung up the phone and gave me one of the horses' lead rope and I got a bucket of grain. I walked over to Guy and shook the bucket. He lost all thought of yummy, green, fresh grass and immediately came close enough for me to grab him and put the lead rope on his collar.

I was so thankful and so relieved that he had only gone as far as the side yard. I think the llamas are used to us now and actually like living here. Apparently, Guy never even thought of leaving. He was just interested in greener grass.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Drying fabric

During the Super Bowl, I decided that I would wash some fabric I had purchased that needed washing. I washed and dried the fabric. I pulled out one piece of fabric and took it to the kitchen to fold. It took awhile, it was a slippery fabric and I have about four yards. Finally, I got it folded and went back for another piece of fabric (I had four pieces in the dryer). This, too was about three or four yards and took a few minutes to fold (especially since the game was exciting and the commercials were good, too). When I went back to the dryer, I was shocked. There was Simon looking up at me. I had left the dryer door open and Simon was inside, wrapped up in the nice, warm, fabric with dogs and kitties all over it. He was so comfy, he stayed there, through my yelling at him and, even more surprising, while Rueben got the camera for me and I took half a dozen pictures or so. Here is the best picture.