Saturday, July 21, 2012

We're Back!

It's been soooo long since I've posted anything here (more than a year) but now we have news to post. We have so many lambs this year. Corina had twins, Riblet (he's in the back paddock with the rams) and Ewenice (she's the smaller white lamb) (you can probably guess Riblet's ultimate purpose). Then, we purchased three Romney ewe lambs, Bella (the piglet eating from Rueben's bucket), Ewegenia (the larger white lamb), and Ewelanda (she's the light brown lamb further back). After that, we purchased another ewe lamb and a ram lamb. These are called Raina (furthest to the left) and Abraham (the small lamb you can barely see behind Bella) and are our registered lambs.

Rueben and I have been very busy since the lambs arrived.  We worked all one Saturday on building a feeder for the lamb's shed.  Then, we let them come in and eat.

Ewenice, Ewelanda, Bella, Ewegenia, Abraham, and Raina

I'll try to post more faithfully from now on.  I have a feeling we'll soon have lots more to share.