Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday Gift from Levi and Seth

Early last week, we received our gift for our 50th birthdays from Levi and Seth. It is an awesome farmhouse table that they made. They told us they wanted to make the table for us and asked us (when we were visiting over the Mother's Day weekend) what style table we wanted. We looked at all the styles to choose from in the shop where Levi works and selected the style we wanted. They used recycled wood (from some building) that actually came from Washington. I guess the wood came home. The table is beautiful and will be an heirloom for Micaela and her children (or for the new little one to come).

Levi and Seth also carved into the underside of the table. A lasting tribute to when the table was made and who made it.

And, now that John and the girls are here (Micaela and April), here is the first mess on the new table!